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Günstige Corniche
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"...Hello Peter,
You can come and see the car anytime. Call me 2 days before you want to come to Cadiz because I am very busy and I don't have time waste.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 1:48 PM, Peter Fladung <> wrote:
Dear Dr. Andres,
thank you for the information provided.
But I will not send any money to whom ever without physically seeing and testing and asessing the car.
I'm happy to fly to Cadiz to do so but have not interest in a procedure other than that.
I take it that you don't want to follow that proposal so I will step back.
Best regards
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Januar 2018 um 09:26 Uhr
Von: "Clinica Bucalclinic" <>
An: "Peter Fladung" <>
Betreff: Re: Rolls-Royce Corniche Cabrio
Hello Peter,
The car as I said is in Cadiz (Spain) and has Spanish plate and documents.
If that's okay I will bring the vehicle to a shipping company very serious that sends cars and motorcycles in Europe .
I have already worked with them in the past, I carried a machine from Germany, and I am pleased with them.
This company is security for me and for you.
Transport works like this:
I bring the car to this company, and they prepare all the documents for export, check the car as regards documents, engine, body, km ...
You must now send the company 20% of the cost of the vehicle.
Once the car came to your house, you have 10 days to verify whether the conditions of the vehicle are as the description, if everything is to your liking proceed to pay the remaining 80%, however, if does not match, you will be refunded the 20% advance paid to prior to the company.
I forgot to tell you that if you decide to take the car we have to pay the company also the transfer of ownership to your name, and regular documents to register in your country, practically new registration in your name.
It is important that the transport costs for sending back the car me in Spain it's for you.
As you can see I do not receive money from the company to the the end of the sale.
If everything is clear and you want to go ahead with the transaction you need to send me your info: name, address, city, zip code, phone number.
After I received your information I will send them to the company, I will also give the car into custody to them.
The company will send you a contract and all information of Shipping (information car, kilometers, all details of the car and also details for the payment.)
This is my number and you can call me whenever you want: 0034-674-537-069.
I wait your e-mail !
I hope that you understand my English. I used the Google translate.
Thank you!
Dr. Andres
Clinica Bucalclinic
Calle Cascos Azules de la Isla, 0,
11100 San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain
Telf: +34-674537069 ..."
Wer also gerne mit einem Koffer voll Geld Unbekannte treffen möchte - Nur zu!
Guten Morgen,
das ist nie und nimmer aus dem Google Übersetzer.
Sehr suspekt, aber vielleicht will er indem er signalisiert kein Englisch zu sprechen, die Hürde eines
telefonischen Kontakts höher schrauben.
Ich vermute auch ganz stark in Eure Richtung und wünsche einen guten Wochenstart.
Grüsse !
Habt Ihr Euch die angegebene Adresse mal auf GoogleEarth angesehen? Diese Bucalclinic ist ein Zahnärztezentrum, das zu einer Gruppe gehört, die sich Bucalclinic nennt und im ganzen westlichen Andalusien verbreitet ist. Im Zentrum in San Fernando gibt es keinen Dr. Andres, weder mit diesem Vornamen (Andrés) noch mit so einem Nachnamen. Die Namen der Ärzte sind auf der Website für San Fernando angegeben. Die Adresse ist offiziell falsch. Das Zentrum liegt an der Avenida León Herrero, an der Rotonda Torrero (Kreisverkehr Torrero). Der Eingang ist allerdings wirklich am Ende der Calle Cascos Azules de la Isla.
Die Anzeige ist übrigens weg. War ja auch allzu unglaubwürdig so ein Preis. Das hätte ein Schrotthaufen sein müssen.
Gruß - Udo
Und klar, er hat da einen Spediteur an der Hand, der als Treuhänder das Geld erst auszahlt, wenn...
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